Monday, June 28, 2010

Little Girls in Wheelchairs need some "Flexible Clothing"

This is going to Korea. I am leaving all the elastic pinned so they can adjust to her size. I made it big, so it may not fit her this year, but I think it will probably work for 2 or 3 years because everything that matters is elastic and the rest is fairly large for an almost 8-year old.

What am I ever going to do when ric rac goes back out of style?

The top is VERY easy, and easy to make larger--just a little longer top and bottom, and place the pattern a little further from the fold.

And I'm still LOVING my serger ruffler foot. I thought it would ruffle this fabric more because it is very light weight, but it is also very soft and the foot wasn't very fond of it.  (You can barely tell that the top layer is tiny white dots on a black background.)

Hope I guessed the size sort of right!

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